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Wellness Resources

For recovery in your own time.


There are a number of different types of crystals, each with their own healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. They are used in many cultures to promote the flow of good energy and help the body and mind  get rid of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits.

Historically speaking, crystals were used as  ancient forms of medicine, with philosophies borrowed from Hinduism and Buddhism. Crystals can help in many ways and different crystals have different properties that can help alleviate a number of different issues.

Different colour crystals
represent different properties. 

Red - power, passion, action
Orange - change, creativity, joy
Yellow - authenticity, optimism, willpower
Green - growth, balance, abundance
Blue - communication, tranquillity, clarity
Purple - spirituality, awakening, intuition 
Pink - love, compassion, emotional
White / Clear - purity, enhancing, peace
Black -  protection,  detoxification, blocks negativity 

Colorful Crystal

The main crystals I use are below as I feel these crystals help with a broad range of issues. I attune each crystal with High Vibrational Energies so they are infused with these beautiful incredible energies to help raise the vibration of the crystal.

Clear Quartz

This white clear crystal is considered a “master healer.” It is said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it and is often paired with other crystals like rose quartz or amethyst to enhance the power and abilities.
Clear Quartz can help with  concentration and memory and also helps to stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.
A great one to have in your collection as it is an all rounder and enhancer.

Prayer to the Lord

How to use and care for your crystals

Depending on what you are using the crystals for you can use crystals in many different ways:

- Keep under your pillow whilst you sleep
- Carry it in your pocket or purse during the day
- Use it whilst meditating (sit with it in your right hand or place crystals around you)
- Place them around your bathtub and enjoy a relaxing crystal bathing ritual.
- Wear them as jewellery

IMPORTANT – Don’t let anyone handle or touch your crystals – they are for you and you alone! If someone handles them by accident – then just follow the cleansing ritual below to wash off any residual energy and re-energise them.


You will need to cleanse and clear out residual energies from your crystals over time. I suggest to do this regularly (at least once a month, more often if necessary)

You can hold it under cold, running water from a tap or rinse it in a natural source of water. Either way, be sure the water is cool, not warm or hot.

Add a bit of sea salt to the cleanse or burn sage to really help it get rid of unwanted energies. You can also leave it out to dry in morning sunlight or full moon light to let the light filter through.

For a thorough cleanse - burn some sage over the crystals for a deep cleanse and clearing ritual. 

It’s not just about their physical care…. For crystals to work their magic, you mentally have to remove the negative energy or skepticism you may have about their capabilities. It’s important to respect what they can do for you and keep an open mind to allow positive changes to take place.

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Where to buy?

The crystals available to purchase through The 111 Approach are all attuned to Reiki Energy so these hold very high and pure vibrations for the recipient.

You can purchase these separately or as part of a wellness gift box.

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